Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Huffing and Puffing all the Way ... AKA ... I Think I Can, I Think I Can

Ok, so the gym thing. I said I'd update you on how it's going. Well, it's going. I'll admit, it's actually going pretty well. What helps is we're doing it together.

Hubby calls it "quality time", which cracks me up because there are so many better way to spend quality time than in a gym for heaven's sake. But he's right, because when we get home, we don't like the same tv shows, so we go in separate rooms. So I guess I see his point.

We start out on the treadmill, or as I like to call it, the windmill (because you get winded on it. Get it? Nevermind.) I do about 3 minutes at 2mph just to get warmed up, then I do 27 minutes at 3mph, then 5 minutes back at 2mph, 5 at 1.5, and 5 at 1mph. I'm breathing hard through the majority of it. Thank God for the tv's on the wall with the remote control and the closed captioning. Will & Grace and The Simpsons have gotten me through it every time! Hubby tries to be the macho man. He uses one of the pre-set programs that makes you walk uphill part of the time. I'll pass, thank you.

Next we use the machines. I've discovered my arms are very wussy. With the leg machines I can set it on 40-50 lbs., but for arms all I can manage is 15-20. And THAT kills me. Feeeel the burn!!! No pain no gain?? Whatever.

But it's going pretty good. We both need it, so that's what counts. I've lost 5 pounds since the first of the year. Hubby doesn't want to weigh until a month has passed. Men lose weight faster than women, so he's probably going to have some outrageous number like 25 pounds. I'll let you know.


DrillerAA said...

Once you get to the point that your doctor wants you to do an Echo cardiogram, sress test, they will put you on that inclined tread mill. I did it Monday and posted about it. You might want to do a little incline work this year.

Joyce said...

EKG? In my early 40's? I hope not. Probably not unless I have heart concerns. However, I actually did try the incline last night. It wasn't so bad, but I only did it for about 5 minutes. And I lowered my speed to 2mph before I inclined it. It's a work in progress. I have to work up to it.