Friday, November 9, 2007

If you had to....

I found this at

If you had to, would you rather:

1. Be blind or deaf?

2. Lose an arm or a leg?

3. Become uglier or stupider?

4. Be more rich or more attractive?

5. Be blonde or brunette?

6. Have a 3rd eye on your forehead or a horn on top of your head?

7. Have it be Winter forever or Summer forever?

8. Eat only sweet things the rest of your life or salty things the rest of your life?

9. Live as an ocean animal or land animal the rest of your life?

10. Have the super power of being able to fly or move objects?

And why?


Joyce said...

I guess I should answer my own questionnaire!

1. Deaf. I already know sign language.

2. Arm. I could function fine with 1 arm, but with 1 leg, it'd be difficult.

3. Uglier. I like being smart, and as long as I'm not hideous looking, I don't care.

4. More rich. See above.

5. Brunette, cuz I am.

6. Horn. I could cover it up with a hat, but a 3rd eye would be too weird.

7. Summer. Duh.

8. Neither, but salty cuz I'm diabetic.

9. Land cuz the ocean is more of a mystery to me, therefore I'd be hesitant.

10. Move objects. I dunno. Flying could be fun too.

DrillerAA said...

Before I read your post I answered the questions in my head. the weird thing is, you and I have almost the same answers for the same reasons.
1. Deaf. I just don't think I could function without site.
2. Leg. A friend of mine has a great prosthesis. I use my hands to much to lose one.
3. Uglier. You can never have too much wisdom.
4. Attractive. Nulifies above while maintaing smarts.
5. Brunette. I was one before the gray set in.
6. Horn. ditto your answer.
7. Summer. ditto
8. Sweets. Duh
9. Land. I can always go for a swim
10.Fly. Eliminate airport check-in.

See ya at Slim's place when AI starts. Stop by my blog anytime. Angie shows up there from time to time.

DrillerAA said...

Site? That's the answer you'll get from an architect. Sorry about that. Sight...yeah, that looks better.
I don't seem to be able to function with it!

Lisa said...

. Be blind or deaf?

Definitely deaf. I wear earplugs for most of day anyway because I am easily irritated by noise.

2. Lose an arm or a leg?

Tough one...I guess a leg. I like to sit.

3. Become uglier or stupider?

I am becoming uglier. I am not nearly as hot as I used to be, but I am getting smarter--I think.

4. Be more rich or more attractive?

Give me $$$!!!

5. Be blonde or brunette?

I am content as a bruntette.

6. Have a 3rd eye on your forehead or a horn on top of your head?

What uses does a horn provide? Not sure. I'll take the eye.

7. Have it be Winter forever or Summer forever?

I prefer winter. I like clothes styles better for the cold.

8. Eat only sweet things the rest of your life or salty things the rest of your life?

I am salty in many ways. Salt is my preference.

9. Live as an ocean animal or land animal the rest of your life?

I am more familiar with if you are a land animal you can occasionally visit the water. I think if you are a water animal you are more limited. Land animal, that's my choice.

10. Have the super power of being able to fly or move objects?

I want to fly. I dream of flying.