Thursday, January 10, 2008

Diets suck

Yes, I said it. Diets suck. Because they do. Or I wouldn't have said it. But they work. And so does exercising.

You have to realize the above is coming from a card-carrying Slug. Couch potato. Lazy Ass. Sloth. (Insert similar words here.) So for me to actually get into diet and exercise is saying a lot.

But a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes will do that to you. Or so you'd think. I went four years with just minimal control of it. I was in denial. But with my husband's help I'm finally taking control. Not only are we exercising, which is a miracle recognizable by the Pope Himself, but we are eating right. It took having my doctor put me on insulin, but I'm doing it.

To have good blood sugar control, I need to eat six small meals a day. So at 7:00 am I eat breakfast. I am NOT a morning eater. I'm not hungry and it's all I can do to force down half an english muffin (whole wheat, of course) topped with cheese or peanut butter. I'm supposed to eat more, but that's all I can handle that early. At 10:00 am I'm ready for a snack. Lunch comes at 1:00 pm and there's no problem being willing to eat this time! So I have about three ounces of some kind of protein, three carb servings, and I make sure there's a little bit of fat such as butter, mayo, peanuts, etc. Gotta have the fat to help absorption of certain vitamins. Another snack at 4:30ish. I wait till 4:30 because I go exercise at about 5:15 and I want to have something in me. Dinner, which is similar to lunch except for maybe a little less protein, is at 7:00 pm. Then comes a snack at bedtime. While that sounds completely wrong to some dieters, it isn't for a diabetic. I need something to sustain my blood sugar levels during the night.

The exercise, as I've mentioned in other blog posts, comes in the form of going to a gym. I just talked about that the other day so I won't go into detail, but it's going really well. I definitely have more energy, and I feel so much better about myself. I didn't know it then, but I think I was on the verge of depression in some ways. I mean, when I compare how I feel now, mentally speaking, to then, there's a definite difference.

So that is my great accomplishment for the year so far. This time around, I have confidence that I'll keep it up. You have no idea how many times I've started a diet and not kept going. I'm proud of myself. :) And not afraid to say it!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations. You SHOULD be proud of yourself! You're an inspiration to me!

Jose said...

Yeap, I just started walking during my lunch hour the beginning of this year. I need to watch what I eat but with a mom and a wife that are truly the best cookes ever it's a little hard for me to diet. I must try a little harder though.

Jose said...

Oh, I forgot. AI is almost here. yey!!!

Lisa said...

WHAT A PAIN IN THE ASS! Damn getting older and having to watch what you eat. By the way, I am "borderline diabetic" and that just pisses me off.

Anyhow, on a less pissy note, Good for you for watching what you eat etc. You rock, mama.