Monday, January 7, 2008

Spank me now

Put your eyes back in your head, it's nothing salacious. I'm referring to the fact that I haven't blogged since New Year's Eve. I have no excuses, other than I just can't come up with topics. Ok, I haven't really tried, but still... I just don't think I have anything interesting to say. So maybe I'll start posting things that I think are un-interesting (like this one). Somebody is bound to be riveted by it, right? OK, maybe not. So then I'll just bore you with random ramblings. How's that? I still say there needs to be a website with the "Blog Topic of the Day" that everyone checks first thing in the morning, then blogs about that topic. Take care of that for me, ok?

1 comment:

DrillerAA said...

This is a great idea, I just don't think anyone has the time to think subjects up.