Friday, December 14, 2007

Ve are going to PUMP ..... you UP !!

We've decided to join a gym. I hate exercise. Hate thinking about it, let alone actually doing it. But, we decided we have to. I have high blood sugar, and my husband has high cholesterol. Exercise will greatly benefit both of us. I've actually been a member of Curves and I did lose a few pounds, but I just lack motivation. I think my husband is doing this more for me than for him, because he knows that if we go together we'll motivate each other. What a guy.

The gym we're joining is new to town, but I'm not sure if it is a national chain or not. It's called Snap Fitness. What we like about it is that you don't have to sign a contract. It's just month to month. And we can get a family rate of $49.95, which is great. Also, they're open 24 hours. So now we have something to do all those mornings at 3:00 am when we used to sit around saying, "I'm bored. There's nothing to do." (Yeah right. Like that ever happened!)

We'll probably start next week because hubby has a bad cold right now. I'll blog about it once we get going. I'm really dreading it. Anyone have words of encouragement or advice?

1 comment:

DrillerAA said...

Find a couple of things that you enjoy doing and use those as motivation. If there is a circuit weight course, start with one circuit the first week or two, then go to two sets for a couple of weeks, and finally move to three circuits. The goal is make progress not injure yourself or your ego.