Monday, December 17, 2007

You have to try these cookies

I'm totally stealing this from my friend Lisa. But that's ok because she stole it from Pioneer Woman.

These are sugar cookies, but they're not just your ordinary sugar cookies. You take egg yolks and dye them different colors (red & green for Christmas, pastels for Easter, pink & red for Valentine's, etc.) and then paint the cookies before you bake them. After they've cooled, you pipe in some frosting to define the shapes, and you can add sprinkles and other embellishments too. But also, the recipe itself sounds so darn delicious it makes my mouth water just to read it. This would be a great kid activity.

I won't post the entire recipe. Go to this site to get it. She's a bit wordy, but that's a good thing. Lots of pictures showing each step of the process. The actual recipe is at the end of her post.

The first picture below is from Pioneer Woman's site, and the second one is a batch Lisa made with her husband and three kids. (The poor gingerbread man on top reflects her husband's sense of humor. Gotta love him!) Let me know in a comment if you tried these.


DrillerAA said...

My wife, the honorary elf, has been doing this for several years with the grand kids. They love painting the cookies and then placing the decorations on after baking.

TLR said...

Yummy, I want some!

Jose said...

Hi Joyce, it has been a while indeed. I am glad you left me a message. I will add you to my side bar and will come back to visit to get re-aquainted with you and to explore your blog. In the meantime plese come back and visit soon. We'll catch up soon enough.